Malachi 3:10 NKJV
Stichting Capitol Worship Centre
IBAN: NL61 ABNA 0591 3334 81
Note: Offering, Tithe, Partner, etc.
Partners are individual people, families, companies/businesses or ministries that are faithful to give some level of financial support and prayer into Capitol Worship Centre on a periodic basis. Your partnership with Capitol enables us to continue to spread the message of the Kingdom throughout the earth. We commit to faithfully pray for our partners daily, and we can't wait to hear the testimonies and stories from our partners about how they are both being impacted and impacting others with the love of Christ.
T: 06 12194290
Our main meetings are currently being held in The Hague, Netherlands, every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 19:00.
Address: Esdoornstraat 3A, Rijswijk.
Join us every Wednesday for an encouraging message during #cyberwednesday on our Facebook page.
Stichting Capitol Worship Centre
Pashegge 7, 7103 BL Winterswijk
IBAN: NL61ABNA0591333481
KvK: 08095289
RSIN: 8096.40.181
All gifts are tax-deductible.